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The 2020 Freelancer Awards - in the time of COVID

YunoJuno Freelancer Awards COVID Edition
Shib Mathew
Shib Mathew
October 7, 2020
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In its sixth year, the YunoJuno Freelancer Awards Ceremony (or the Sweet FA’s as we affectionately call it) has been a highlight of our calendar year. We started the event because we saw a vacuum in how freelancers were recognised or celebrated — especially when they play such a pivotal role in so many of the creative and tech projects they are employed on. For so many organisations, whether the motivation for hiring a freelancer is strategic or commercially, they have become a company’s secret sauce.

But in thinking about this year’s event, we couldn’t ignore the incredible turbulence that COVID-19 has brought on so many people across the world. The pandemic has been, and continues to be, the biggest threat to global economies and way of life in a generation. And doing the Sweet FAs as usual felt a little deficient. In short, I think we can do better.

Throughout the last year, as we have all come to terms with the pandemic, the one thing that has resonated with me, is the generosity, selflessness and resilience of others.

AspectEmployeeIndependent Contractor
Control and supervisionDirect control over how, when, and where to workFreedom to set their own schedules and methods
PaymentRegular wages; taxes withheld by employerPaid per project; responsible for their own taxes
BenefitsHealth insurance, retirment plans, paid leaveMust arrange their own benefits
TerminationOften requires notice and may include severanceCan usually be terminated at any time without benefits
Tools and equipmentProvided by the employerTypically use their own tools
Superb Freelancer Awards ceremony last night. It’s probably the most valued I’ve felt for the work I do.
Marcus Efstratiou - Freelance Copywriter, 2016 Freelancer of the Year
Book Marcus
Book Marcus
An inherent kindness coupled with inner steel being displayed in so many people from all walks of life.

Be that helping an elderly neighbour receive groceries when they were unable to leave their house, to free online art classes. Joe Wicks is single handedly responsible for halting the other terrible disease threatening the world right now — the early-onset-paunch.

So when thinking about the freelancer awards this year, I thought it was a moment to rethink who we celebrate.

Every year our awards are centred around the individual freelance disciplines on the YunoJuno marketplace — Designer of the Year, Developer of the Year, Strategist of the Year and so on for another 12 categories.

This year, we are going to change this. This year, we want to celebrate freelancers who have done something to help their fellow human/s in the time of COVID.

Whether it be a food drop, or raising awareness to the issues facing the self employed during the governments economic initiatives, or helping with a website so that your local business could stay alive during lockdown. Whatever generous/selfless/innovative thing a freelancer has done in this year of years, we want to recognise and celebrate them.


Nominate a worthy freelancer here.*


If a freelancer did something in service to another, these acts deserve this year’s gong. The awards (and life as we once knew it) I’m confident will resume next year. But this year, this feels right.

And regardless of whether there’s an event on this year or not, it won’t stop us celebrating freelancers, and putting the 2020 trophies in their hands!

If you know nothing about the Freelancer Awards, here’s what went down in a pre-COVID 2019. 6000 votes and 750 people packed Shoreditch town for one epic night.

To find out more about The Sweet FA 2020 Awards here.

* Nominations close Sunday 1st November 2020.

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