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Petition To Delay IR35 Explained | YunoJuno
Emma MacGregor
Emma MacGregor
March 31, 2020
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For temporary income protection fund for freelancers.

On Friday, the UK Government announced its relief package to help the self-employed. Unfortunately it doesn't look like it’s going to deliver for a number of freelancers.

That's why we are throwing our weight behind the petition for creation of an emergency fund for freelancers set up by IPSE (The Association of Independent Professionals and the Self-Employed) and the Creative Industries Federation.

As you might be aware, one section of freelancers that are likely to slip through the cracks in the Coronavirus support are Limited Company freelancers who pay themselves through dividends and take a low PAYE amount. These are the majority of the freelancers working in the creative and tech sector (along with other sectors who use highly skilled contractors like you).

Whilst we applaud the UK Government's efforts in building plans and funds to bring stability to the wider economy during this time, hundreds of thousands of freelancers are likely to miss out and we hope more can be done.

Join us in signing the petition here

Further information about relief packages

Regarding further information on the options available, the first place anyone should start is the Government’s dedicated site to Coronavirus: https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus. In it you will see a specific section called ‘Employment and Financial Support’.

But in terms of what this means for you, whether you’re a Limited Company freelancer, Sole Trader or operate under an umbrella, we think Martin Lewis is probably the straightest talker out there. He has been on the front line of deciphering what each of the Government’s packages are about, as well as clarifying directly with them as queries come through. His latest assessment of support for the self-employed is the best we've seen.

Check out his latest video on the subject below and dig deeper on his site MoneySavingExpert.com

Make people aware you are available

Finally, we are working on ways to get more clients aware of the YunoJuno freelancers available for remote work, and we are officially opening up YJ to be UK wide. That means if a company in Edinburgh registers, they can book you for a project, just like a London-based company can.

As an interim solution, just so we can get more companies aware of your availability, we’ve created some assets you can post on LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter. Examples to the right, and you can download them here.

When you post an image, you can then share the link below, and when a client comes in to book you directly, all they have to do is put your name, and their details, and we will do the legwork to get you in that booking.

Copy & Paste this link: https://freelancing.typeform.com/to/f0DVIH

AspectEmployeeIndependent Contractor
Control and supervisionDirect control over how, when, and where to workFreedom to set their own schedules and methods
PaymentRegular wages; taxes withheld by employerPaid per project; responsible for their own taxes
BenefitsHealth insurance, retirment plans, paid leaveMust arrange their own benefits
TerminationOften requires notice and may include severanceCan usually be terminated at any time without benefits
Tools and equipmentProvided by the employerTypically use their own tools

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