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Recharging creative batteries outdoors and keeping up design skills sharp with Freelance Art Director & Motion Designer Bobby Martev

Recharging Creative Batteries | Freelance Art Director & Motion Designer
Kat Shepherd
Kat Shepherd
May 31, 2022
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With more clients looking for the latest skills in motion design and to make their campaigns fresh and engaging, freelancers like Bobby Martev are becoming increasingly busy. Starting his freelance career in 2015, freelance art director and motion designer, Bobby has found it going from strength to strength.

We spoke to Bobby about his career path so far, finding a compromise on design projects and collaborating with other freelancers when work gets busy.

To refresh creativity — get outdoors. This job can have extremely long hours. It can be draining and inhumane to work on a machine for so long. Spending my off days outside re-charges my battery. As for updating my design skills, practise; personal projects, experimentation, there's always something to play with.

With over seven years of experience as a freelancer, we first asked Bobby what features had worked well for him on a recent project;

I've recently started teaming up with colleagues, either in busy periods or when a colleague has expertise complementary to the task at hand.

This approach has worked well so far, with Bobby sharing he plans to bring this collaborative way of working to the next project;

I plan to be transparent with clients about this new set-up. Over the years I've built up a network of professionals around me and I think bringing them onto a project can be of great value to my clients.
Example work: Houseof

We then asked Bobby if there was anything he felt clients could do to help prepare their project before working with freelance art directors and motion designers;

Clients aren't necessarily expected to prepare, but like with anything, it is helpful to familiarise yourself or at least express some interest in the process. I don't understand the specific details when the car mechanic explains how he has changed a part on my car, but knowing where that part is and what it does is helpful.

As artwork is subjective, there can sometimes be constructive feedback or artistic differences. We asked Bobby how he personally handles client expectations when presenting the artwork back;

I tend to provide what they ask for as well as my own take. Usually, the result ends up being a mutually agreed upon amalgam of both.

And when it comes to applying his professional art direction, Bobby hasn’t found any resistance so far;

I find most clients trust you and are flexible, if they are not, it's usually because they have a client of their own on the other end and the resistance comes from the top of the chain and/or there's miscommunication.
Example work: Art Direction 3D style-frame for Endangered Cosmetics launch

With such a growing interest in the industry, we asked Bobby what tips he’d give to someone considering moving into art direction or motion design;

I'd advise them to start with design theory/fundamentals. The 'why' behind everything you'll be doing. This is the foundation for the rest. And programming- it's the future!

Having worked with many different clients over the years, we then asked Bobby to share some of the best advice he’d received so far during his career;

The best advice I've gotten is to focus on the quality of the work and the rest will follow - both from my old boss and a colleague who has been in the industry for over ten years. Both are well known and respected in the sector.
Example work: 3D style-frame made as part of the team at

And finally, we asked Bobby how he felt about learning he was a finalist in the 2021 Freelancer Awards;

It was brilliant, freelancing is hard work and it was nice to be appreciated. It was also really nice to meet (albeit online) freelancers from other sectors and hear their freelancing experiences. Thank you to the YJ team for all their work.

If you'd like to work with Bobby on your next project, why not book him today.

AspectEmployeeIndependent Contractor
Control and supervisionDirect control over how, when, and where to workFreedom to set their own schedules and methods
PaymentRegular wages; taxes withheld by employerPaid per project; responsible for their own taxes
BenefitsHealth insurance, retirment plans, paid leaveMust arrange their own benefits
TerminationOften requires notice and may include severanceCan usually be terminated at any time without benefits
Tools and equipmentProvided by the employerTypically use their own tools
I am a multidisciplinary designer with an eye for elegant and functional design. Carrying graphic design fundamentals into any medium; I am able to take projects from conception through to end result, producing highly conceptual and evenly beautiful works for commercial and cultural contexts.
Bobby Martev, Art Director & Motion Designer
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