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Time-to-hire metrics

Kat Shepherd
September 13, 2024

Time-to-hire metrics are key performance indicators used by organisations to measure the efficiency and effectiveness of their recruitment process. These metrics track the time it takes to fill an open position, from when a job requisition is created to when a candidate accepts an offer. Understanding and optimising time-to-hire is crucial for companies looking to streamline their hiring processes, reduce costs, and secure top talent in competitive job markets.

Definition and importance

Time-to-hire, also known as time-to-fill, refers to the number of days between when a job requisition is approved and when a candidate accepts an offer for that position. This metric provides valuable insights into the overall health and efficiency of an organisation's recruitment funnel.

The importance of time-to-hire metrics cannot be overstated. Lengthy hiring processes can lead to:

  • Loss of top candidates to competitors
  • Decreased productivity due to unfilled positions
  • Increased costs associated with prolonged recruitment efforts
  • Negative impact on employer brand and candidate experience

By closely monitoring and optimising time-to-hire, companies can gain a competitive edge in talent acquisition and improve overall organisational performance.

Components of time-to-hire

To fully understand and leverage time-to-hire metrics, it's essential to break down the recruitment process into its component parts:

1. Job requisition approval

The time it takes for a job requisition to be created and approved by relevant stakeholders.

2. Sourcing and attracting candidates

The period spent on advertising the position, reaching out to potential candidates, and building a talent pool. This stage can be significantly expedited through the use of advanced sourcing tools and talent marketplaces. For instance, our platform at YunoJuno allows companies to directly source from their own talent pool or access an elite marketplace of over 100,000 contractors, potentially reducing sourcing time and costs by up to 80%.

3. Resume screening and initial assessment

The time taken to review applications, conduct initial screenings, and shortlist candidates for further evaluation.

4. Interview process

This includes scheduling and conducting multiple rounds of interviews, which may involve phone screenings, in-person interviews, and technical assessments.

5. Decision making and offer extension

The time required for internal discussions, reference checks, and preparing and extending a job offer.

6. Offer negotiation and acceptance

The period between extending an offer and the candidate's acceptance, which may involve salary negotiations and addressing any candidate concerns.

Factors influencing time-to-hire

Several factors can impact an organisation's time-to-hire metrics:

1. Industry and position type

Different industries and job roles may have varying recruitment timelines. For example, hiring for highly specialised technical positions often takes longer than filling entry-level roles.

2. Company size and resources

Larger companies with dedicated recruitment teams and resources may be able to process applications more quickly, while smaller organisations might face resource constraints.

3. Recruitment technology and tools

The use of advanced applicant tracking systems, AI-powered screening tools, and integrated talent management platforms can significantly reduce time-to-hire. For example, YunoJuno's platform enables companies to onboard freelancers and contractors in minutes with automated contracts, workflows, and data storage, streamlining the hiring process.

4. Candidate market and competition

In highly competitive job markets or for in-demand skills, the time-to-hire may increase as companies vie for top talent.

5. Internal processes and approval chains

Complex or lengthy internal approval processes can significantly extend the time-to-hire.

Strategies for improving time-to-hire metrics

Organisations can implement several strategies to optimise their time-to-hire metrics:

1. Streamline the approval process

Simplify and automate job requisition approvals to reduce administrative delays.

2. Leverage technology and data analytics

Implement AI-powered screening tools and data analytics to quickly identify and prioritise top candidates. Utilise platforms that offer comprehensive workforce management solutions, such as YunoJuno, which provides real-time reporting and project dashboards for full visibility into the hiring process.

3. Build and nurture talent pools

Maintain an active database of potential candidates to quickly fill open positions when they arise.

4. Optimise the interview process

Conduct structured interviews and use assessment tools to make quicker, more informed decisions.

5. Enhance candidate experience

Improve communication and engagement throughout the hiring process to reduce candidate drop-off rates.

6. Regularly review and refine processes

Continuously analyse time-to-hire metrics and identify bottlenecks in the recruitment process for ongoing improvement.

Measuring and benchmarking time-to-hire

To effectively utilise time-to-hire metrics, organisations should:

1. Establish a consistent measurement methodology

Clearly define the start and end points of the hiring process and ensure consistent tracking across all positions and departments.

2. Set realistic targets

Benchmark time-to-hire against industry standards and set achievable goals for improvement.

3. Break down metrics by stage and role

Analyse time-to-hire for different stages of the recruitment process and various job roles to identify specific areas for improvement.

4. Consider quality alongside speed

Balance the focus on reducing time-to-hire with maintaining the quality of hires to ensure long-term success.

The future of time-to-hire metrics

As the recruitment landscape continues to evolve, time-to-hire metrics are likely to become even more sophisticated and integral to talent acquisition strategies. Future trends may include:

1. Predictive analytics

Advanced algorithms will predict time-to-hire for specific roles and help organisations proactively address potential delays.

2. Integration with broader HR metrics

Time-to-hire will be increasingly viewed in conjunction with other key performance indicators, such as quality of hire and employee retention rates.

3. Real-time tracking and optimisation

Continuous monitoring and adjustment of recruitment processes will become the norm, enabled by sophisticated workforce management platforms.

4. Emphasis on candidate experience

Time-to-hire metrics will be balanced with measures of candidate satisfaction and engagement throughout the hiring process.


Time-to-hire metrics are a crucial tool for organisations seeking to optimise their recruitment processes and gain a competitive edge in talent acquisition. By understanding the components of time-to-hire, identifying influencing factors, and implementing targeted strategies for improvement, companies can significantly enhance their hiring efficiency and effectiveness.

As the recruitment landscape continues to evolve, organisations that leverage advanced technologies and data-driven insights will be best positioned to attract and secure top talent quickly and cost-effectively. By continually refining their approach to time-to-hire metrics, businesses can ensure they remain agile and competitive in an ever-changing job market.

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