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Contract lifecycle management

Kat Shepherd
August 16, 2024

Managing contracts efficiently is crucial for maintaining smooth operations and ensuring compliance. Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) is a comprehensive approach to managing a contract's entire lifecycle, from initial creation through execution, performance tracking, and eventual renewal or termination. This article delves into the intricacies of CLM, its importance, and how platforms like YunoJuno can streamline the process.

What is contract lifecycle management?

Contract Lifecycle Management refers to the systematic and efficient management of contracts from their initiation through to their execution, performance, and eventual renewal or termination. It encompasses various stages such as creation, negotiation, approval, compliance, performance monitoring, and renewal. Effective CLM ensures that contracts are managed in a way that maximises their value while minimising risks.

The stages of contract lifecycle management

1. Contract creation

The first stage involves drafting the contract. This includes defining the terms and conditions, obligations, and expectations of all parties involved. Using automated tools can significantly reduce the time and effort required in this stage. YunoJuno, for instance, offers automated contract creation, ensuring that all necessary legal and compliance checks are integrated from the outset.

2. Contract negotiation

Once a draft is created, the negotiation phase begins. This involves discussions and modifications to ensure that all parties agree on the terms. Effective negotiation can lead to better terms and conditions, ultimately benefiting all parties. YunoJuno's platform allows for seamless communication and document sharing, facilitating smoother negotiations.

3. Contract approval

After negotiations, the contract needs to be approved by the relevant stakeholders. This may involve multiple levels of approval depending on the organisation's structure. Automated workflows, like those offered by YunoJuno, can streamline this process, ensuring that contracts are approved quickly and efficiently.

4. Contract execution

Once approved, the contract is executed. This involves signing the contract and making it legally binding. Digital signatures and electronic contract management systems can expedite this process. YunoJuno's platform supports automated contract execution, making it possible to onboard contractors in minutes.

5. Contract performance and compliance

After execution, the focus shifts to monitoring the contract's performance and ensuring compliance with its terms. This involves tracking deliverables, deadlines, and payments. YunoJuno provides tools to manage multiple bookings, check day rates, view timesheets, and communicate in one place, ensuring that all aspects of contract performance are monitored effectively.

6. Contract renewal or termination

As a contract nears its end, a decision must be made whether to renew or terminate it. This decision should be based on performance metrics and future needs. YunoJuno's real-time reporting and dashboard data can provide valuable insights to inform this decision, ensuring that contracts are renewed or terminated based on accurate and up-to-date information.

Importance of contract lifecycle management

Effective CLM is essential for several reasons:

  • Risk Management: Proper CLM helps identify and mitigate risks associated with contracts, such as non-compliance and missed deadlines.
  • Cost Efficiency: By automating and streamlining contract processes, organisations can reduce administrative costs and improve efficiency.
  • Improved Compliance: Ensuring that all contracts meet regulatory and legal requirements is crucial for avoiding penalties and legal issues.
  • Enhanced Performance: Monitoring contract performance helps ensure that all parties meet their obligations, leading to better outcomes.

YunoJuno's role in contract lifecycle management

YunoJuno offers a comprehensive solution for managing the entire contract lifecycle, particularly for companies working with contractors and freelancers. Here’s how YunoJuno's functionalities align with the stages of CLM:

Source and onboard

YunoJuno allows companies to source the best freelancers from their own talent pool or an elite marketplace. The platform supports quick onboarding with background checks, classification, and automated contracts, ensuring that the initial stages of CLM are handled efficiently.

Manage and pay

Managing multiple bookings, checking day rates, viewing timesheets, and communicating in one place are all made easy with YunoJuno. The platform also ensures timely payments to contractors worldwide, providing full visibility of global workforce costs.

Protect and track

YunoJuno removes risks with built-in global worker classification and tax compliance. The platform also offers real-time reporting and dashboard data, making it easy to monitor contract performance and compliance.

Case study: YunoJuno's impact

Consider a global company that needs to manage contracts with freelancers across multiple countries. Before using YunoJuno, the company faced challenges with compliance, timely payments, and efficient contract management. After implementing YunoJuno, the company saw a significant reduction in sourcing costs (up to 80%), faster hiring times, and improved compliance. With YunoJuno's automated workflows and real-time data insights, the company could manage contracts more effectively, leading to better performance and reduced risks.


Contract Lifecycle Management is a critical component of modern business operations, particularly for companies working with a diverse and global workforce. Platforms like YunoJuno provide the tools and functionalities needed to manage contracts efficiently, ensuring compliance, reducing costs, and improving performance. By leveraging YunoJuno's comprehensive CLM solution, companies can navigate the complexities of contract management with confidence and ease.

With over £1bn in payments to contractors, 100% global compliance guaranteed, and a 98% successful booking rate, YunoJuno stands out as a leader in contract lifecycle management, helping companies achieve less cost, less time, and less risk.

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